Rank & Insignia

To uphold and maintain proper respect, tradition, and prestige of the Order, proper protocol must be followed. The following ranks and insignia are approved for the order.



                   Grand Bailiff Grand Cross (Hereditary) – GB.GCSJ(H)


                   Bailiff Grand Cross (Justice) – BGCSJ(J)


                   Bailiff Grand Cross (Grace) - BGCSJ


                   Knight Grand Cross (Hereditary) – GCSJ(H)


                   Knight Grand Cross (Justice) – GCSJ(J)


                   Knight Grand Cross (Grace) – GCSJ


                   Knight Grand Commander (Justice) – Gr.COSJ(J)


                   Dame Grand Commander (Justice) – Gr.COSJ(J)


                   Knight Grand Commander (Grace) – Gr.COSJ


                   Dame Grand Commander (Grace) – Gr.COSJ


                   Knight Commander (Justice) – COSJ(J)


                   Dame Commander (Justice) – COSJ(J)


                   Knight Commander (Grace) – COSJ


                   Dame Commander (Grace) – COSJ


                   Knight (Justice) – OSJ(J)


                   Dame (Justice) – OSJ(J)


                   Knight (Grace) – OSJ


                   Dame (Grace) – OSJ


                   Serving Brother – SB OSJ


                   Serving Sister – SS OSJ







The Insignia of the Order is the eight pointed white Maltese Cross signed by the Imperial Crown, suspended by the regulation red ribbon, approximately 1.5" in width. The neck decoration of the Order is worn 2" below the collar. Except for the Grand Master, Lt. Grand Master, and Grand Chancellor, no chains of any kind are to be worn.

                   Knight Grand Cross - OSJ Neck Decoration (approx. 3" in diameter). Sash with Jewel and Star.


                    Knight Commander - OSJ Neck Decoration (approx. 3" in diameter).


                    Knight - OSJ Neck Decoration (approx. 1.5" in diameter).


                    Dame - Decoration is worn on left chest with bow.


                    Esquires/Serving Sister - Miniature OSJ Medal


                    Donats/Demoiselles - Lapel Badge